Monday, August 30, 2010

Calorie Counting: Am I Starving?

I've lost a little weight since the diagnosis.  Nothing dramatic, though.  My stomach was rumbly this morning, and I had a hard time getting food in.  As a result, I've been spacey and had a headache all day. I was pretty sure that I must be starving, so I decided to count how many calories I'd had.  It wasn't hard; I haven't eaten that much.  I had a little bit of rice porridge for breakfast, two bananas for snack, a carrot juice, some tofu and polenta, and a protein shake.  It all added up to 1600 calories, which is a lot more than I expected.  I'm glad I go by, "eat when you're hungry," because, even though this is right on track for a 2000 calorie diet, this was an unacceptably small amount of food to be eating.  I haven't counted what I eat on a good day, but even with the crohn's, it's got to be up somewhere around 3000.

Also, I bought shoes today.

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